Gambling Addiction Resources

If you live in Cyprus and are struggling with a gambling addiction, here are some resources that can help you:

- Cyprus National Addictions Authority (NAAC)
Helpline: 1402 https://www.naac.org.cy/
- Safer Gambling
Helpline 1456 for people above 22 years old
Helpline 1456 for people up to 21 years old https://safergambling.gov.cy/en/
- Pharos also support a toll free helpline for problematic gambling, The 1422 helpline operates daily from 9 A.M. until 7 P.M. anonymously and free of charge.
- Counseling & Psychotherapy Centers
Telephone: 25580448
- Counseling Station «APOFASIZO» («ΑΠΟΦΑΣΙΖΩ»).
Telephone: 70005537
- Counseling Station for the Electronic Addiction «ELECTRA-A» («ΗΛΕΚΤΡΑ-Α»).
Telephone: 70005531
- Self-help groups «Mesogeios» («Μεσόγειος»)
Telephone: 24645333

Location Specific Resources
Cyprus National Addictions Authority (NAAC) https://www.naac.org.cy/
National betting Authority https://nba.gov.cy/en/
Safer Gambling https://safergambling.gov.cy/en/
PHAROS CENTRE http://pharoscenter.org/
Odaat Recommendations:
1. Check out my video: This Simple System Helped Me Quit Gambling
2. Birches Health - Online Tele-Therapy
3. Gamban - Block Gambling Apps And Websites On Your Devices
4. Evive - Better understand your own gambling behavior to help achieve your specific goal
5. Open Recovery - Your AI companion for growth and gambling recovery